Sunday, October 5, 2008

Daisy Kutter Journal

I must admit that I am usually not interested in this type of book (western, science-fiction, graphic novel) but I really enjoyed this. I can see how this type of book would be great for use in the classroom. I think that the best part is that you have all of the time needed or wanted to comprehend the sequence.

I am amazed that the characters can be so well developed with so little text. Kibuishi is an amazing artist/author. As an avid reader, I usually do not like the books I read to have pictures because I have a different view of the story in my head. I thought that Daisy Kutter would be like that, but without the art, the story would have been very difficult to read.

There are many lessons that could be taught from this book. Any thing that can be taught with traditional literature can be taught with a graphic novel as well. I was able to see a lesson on foreshadowing as I read it the first time. I am a new fan of the graphic novel.

1 comment:

René Saldaña, Jr. said...

Amy: You hit the nail right on the head about graphic novels: without one or the other--text or image--the format doesn't work as well, if at all. Therein lies the difficulty of this sort of literacy. Takes a great deal to really get a story like this.