Monday, September 29, 2008

Acceleration Reading Journal

I, like others in the class, was not really looking forward to reading this book, but once I got into it I could not put it down. I really liked the way the McNamee developed the characters and the plot of the story. I was particularly scared but eager to learn more about "Roach." I felt that McNamee was able to allow the reader to see inside this character through the journal.

I was a little let down at the end of the book. It seemed to me that the story could have been a little longer and developed that story line a little more. I was disturbed that "Roach" was killed so quickly. I also felt that Duncan should have been allowed a little public glory to rectify the fact that he felt responsible for Maya's death.

This book kept me on the edge of my seat but was not so scary that I would mind reading it in class. The one thing that I didn't like was the sexual language and dialogue in the story line. I felt that the book would have been just as good without it.

1 comment:

René Saldaña, Jr. said...

Amy: interesting comment about the end coming too quickly. That's how I feel with almost every action/mystery novel I read. The beginning, to establish character(s) has to be, like you say, slow at the outset, then it quickens, then it's over. But I don't think Roach died too quickly or too easily. He was, after all, not some evil genius with superhuman strength. Just another guy wanting to do something gruesome to get a "name."