Monday, September 22, 2008

Miracle's Boys

What a great success story for a family that should not have made it. I really liked that the book is written from Layfette's point of view. I think that the author did a good job of describing the other characters from Layfette's perspective.

The main characters are defined by the events that take place during their young lives. Ty'ree is assuming his father's responsibilities even before his mother dies and continues raising the family against the odds because he feels responsible for his fathers demise. Layfette feels responsible for his mother's death. Newcharlie is present when either death takes place and that makes him feel like he does not fit in. He is angry, but even though he takes his anger out on Layfette, I think that he is angry with himself for not being there, especially for his mother.

When Layfette describes Charlie in the book, I found it difficult to believe that he was the type to rob a liquor store. However, when I read the reason he did, I saw it as the only way for him to feel like he was helping his family. He was given a second chance when he declined to be in the gang.

When reading this book the characters became very real to me. The author was able to portray each character in a true to life way.

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