Saturday, September 27, 2008

Craft Lesson for A Step from Heaven


To teach this lesson you will need: a definition of irony, a chart of some type divided into two sections, a copy of the book A Step from Heaven.

The purpose of this lesson is to understand the concept of irony. First of all, I will define Irony. It is "an outcome of events contrary to what was, or might have been, expected" (www.dictionary, The title of the book, A Step from Heaven is ironic in that the life that Young Ju and her family experienced in America is not what I would expect Heaven to be. Let's list some descriptions of what you might expect of Heaven.
Now let's do the same for Young Ju's life in America. Now, with a partner, please write a well developed paragraph(s) about how the title of the book is ironic to the life that Young Ju's family led.

TEKS (9th grade) 7a, 9d, 12a, 13 a-e

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