Sunday, September 7, 2008

Standing Against the Wind

I really liked the book. Jones was able to allow us to get to know Patrice by her actions, thoughts, and words. I think it is a feel good book with a great happy ending. I think that there are many students that will be able to relate to this book in some way, whether it is having been disappointed by someone, moving to a new school, or perhaps even having lived some of the situations described in the book. I think that the book will relate to males and females alike. A great compare/contrast could be developed based on Patrice and Monty.

My favorite part of the book was when Monty helped Patrice get the money to go see her mother. I was just sure that he stole the money with the sirens in the background at both bus stops. I wanted to believe that he did not steal the money and was very relieved that he sold the watch that his father had given him. After going back to the foreshadowing of that event, Jones states, "Monty looked at her, then at his watch. "Okay. Okay. Wait here. Don't move," he commanded. "I'll fix this."

I think that the character of Patrice seemed very real. However, I struggled with the character of Monty. I guess that I am labeling him as a good guy, but there is no way that I can believe that he is that good. He always makes the right choices, even in front of his friends. My personal experience with this type of person is that no matter what, they always strive to maintain their coolness in front of their peers and would not publicly stand up for an outcast. I really like Monty in the book and am glad that he always did the right thing. I hope that he can be used a an example of a great role model for those students that live in a situation that is not so perfect.

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