Sunday, October 26, 2008

Getting Away with Murder Journal

Getting Away with Murder: The True Story of the Emmett Till Case by Chris Crowe was about a young man that I had never heard about. I am amazed that this story is left out of many history books. I must confess that although I had learned about Jim Crow laws, I never really knew what they were or what they meant to the people of the South. What an eye opener!

I think that this book could be used in many areas of the classroom. I think that it would be a great companion to seventh grade United States history, in high school American history classes, or as Lori suggested, used as a companion novel.

I think that it can be used to teach good research and writing about that research. I know that the students that I taught never really knew what to do with the research they had completed except to quote it.

I think the bibliography is a great example and the timeline of events allows the students to get a better idea of the order of events that led to and came about because of the Emmett Till case.

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